Ahh I just recently I had the very enviable task of looking for a new item of furniture to replace my much loved but seriously well worn two seater sofa in the family room. I have had my main furniture for over 22 years and on the whole I’ve had fantastic service from it all. It must be said that for much of this time, there has been only me in the house and thus it has suffered far less from the ravages of family life than most furniture of the same age. However, it succumbed to the sudden and unexpected depositing of a very hefty rump end of a pal of mine. She is no fan of exercise and is very solid – which caused her to go through the base of my little sofa.
Having realised that a change was now definitely needed, I searched online for where my nearest stoe might be. I had no idea what to look for, but I sat and thought abut what I actually wanted in the same space. I then did a circuit of four retailers. Two were huge well known emporiums that advertise heavily. Another was a superbly laid out ‘top notch’ store that has been going for nearly 100 years. I eventually found exeactly what I wanted in a very local outlet that supplies oak furniture in those delightful room settings that makes one feel happy and content. I have never walked around such attractive room settings and it made me want to change everything I have at home!